Original content works

We have a team of editors who understand IT and deal with topics in the field of modern technologies and services on a daily basis. We can create unique customized content. We write professional texts, do interviews, publish press releases, thematic articles and analyzes.

Our portfolio also includes traditional media – we publish Reseller Magazine, the only printed monthly medium for the IT sales channel on the Czech market. We also manage the Professional Computing news website for end customers and the Gaming Ready website specializing in gaming hardware resellers. The RMOL reseller community portal, another of our key projects, and its regular weekly mailing are visited and subscribed by thousands of IT people.

  • we have been in the IT sales channel for years, we know how what works and who is who
  • we have our own websites and those websites have space for banners, articles, interviews…
  • we can create unique content tailored for IT resellers and their customers
  • our editors understand the topics they cover
  • we can handle any format and assignment
  • we provide language proofreading and revision of texts
  • we do also print media – we issue Reseller Magazine and we can create print materials, such as fliers, catalogues – you name it

Our projects

Professional Computing

Web Professional Computing targets end users from the enterprise, midrange and SMB segments. We regularly publish professional articles, case studies and examples of IT solutions from the real business environment. The website deals with the needs and shopping habits of end users, and its visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with representatives of IT manufacturers and their offers for business cooperation.
Marketing 101

Reseller Magazine Online

The most visited B2B community portal for ICT and CE resellers in the Czech Republic. It is based on an online catalog of manufacturers and their distributors, detailed technical specifications of products, a calendar of upcoming events, current promotions. Readers will find daily news from the world of the sales channel of computer and telecommunications technology, market analysis, articles on business topics.
Reseller Magazine Online

Reseller Magazine

The first B2B magazine of its kind on the market is intended exclusively for sellers of computer technology and consumer electronics. It helps manufacturers and suppliers make their products and services visible throughout the sales channel. It informs about news, interesting products and acquaints readers with the latest trends in IT, business and marketing. In addition to the classic printed version, a fully digital edition is also available. You can find the current mediakit here.
Reseller Magazine


We will take care of your marketing communication – from the design of the marketing strategy, content creation, to its evaluation. We create an original marketing mix, monitor, measure and evaluate all activities to help you reach your target group. We offer a modern approach to B2B marketing and our goal is to make your marketing campaigns work.



Děláme Reseller Magazine, který je stabilní značkou v B2B prodejním kanále. Máme pro vás inzertní prostor v našem měsíčníku nebo vám navrhneme vlastní tištěné materiály. Vytvoříme obsah, grafiku podle vašich požadavků a zprostředkujeme tisk. Print totiž funguje a my zajistíme, aby vaše tištěné materiály nesly kvalitní obsah a zároveň vypadaly dobře.


Digital marketing

We will design a digital campaign without curls and unnecessary customers harassment. We will choose a strategy and technologies that are in line with your brand and communication style, or we will design the optimal variant for your business needs. We will help you with SEO, SEM and PPC campaigns or banners. We can reach everyone across the IT sales channel.

Digitální marketing

Web design & development

We will analyze your existing website and design new and fully responsive sites. We will consult with you on the visual concept and content so that the result is according to your ideas and at the same time provides an appropriate user experience and is easily traceable and visible. Do you want a product microsite or company blog? Not a problem. We make websites using WordPress.

Gesto webdesign náhled

Web hosting and maintenance

Working on your website does not end with the design, coding and creation of content for us. We will provide quality and secure hosting for your company website, blog or microsite, we will transfer the existing website. The site we manage is constantly optimised, kept up to date, secure, functional and in compliance with all legislative requirements.

Webhosting a údržba

Newsletter marketing

Mailing campaigns are still one of the most effective ways of marketing communication. But it is necessary to address and engage the recipient, which is our job. We will process your contacts to comply with GDPR. We will create a modern and responsive template and quality content, which we will constantly improve so that your newsletters do not end up in the trash.

Xanadu newsletter

Social networks

Are you visible on social networks? Do you manage company profile management? Social networks are a powerful tool, but they require time and regularity. We will create a company page for LinkedIn and take care of regular postings and paid advertising campaigns. Today, social networks are an indispensable part of every business and we will advise you on how to deal with them.

Sociální sítě

Team DCD Publishing

We like to try new things and look for approaches that “fit” clients. We are not bound by any corporate culture, we are passionate about our clients’ projects and we want them to enjoy working as much as we do.

Tím DCD Publishing

Our clients trust us

"DCD Publishing has been helping us with our marketing activities for a long time. It is behind the creation of our website, product subpages and unique content on our blog. Thanks to our cooperation, the visibility of our company in the digital world has significantly increased and the marketing campaigns that we continuously run in various channels generate real leads for us."
Tomáš Netolický
"DCD Publishing helps us coordinate the marketing activities of our vendors, although it is often not easy. I appreciate their proactive and creative approach."
Pavel Mohyla
TINT s. r. o.
"Newsletters, social networks and a corporate blog - all of this is provided for us by DCD Publishing, and I can focus on business development without any worries. All requirements from our side are taken care of quickly, no problems, nice communication."
Miroslav Radvan
M solutions SE
"They provided us with the design and creation of new websites that we like and meet current trends and standards. We are very satisfied with their services."
RNDr. Anton Korenčík
Gesto Computers, spol. s r.o.
"They create product subpages for our key products in accordance with the requirements of our partners and with regard to current marketing trends. They take care of marketing for me so I can make money."
Pavel Aliger
CSF, s.r.o.
HP DELL Epson ASUS Canon TP Link Xanadu a.s. Visitech Gesto Computers M Solutions AmonSystem KSPCS